Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The conditions in New Jersey and New York on 3/16 - 3/17/13

Over the 3/16/13 weekend, I traveled to Union Beach, NJ and Rockaway, NY to help in the Hurricane Sandy recovery.  It is shocking to see how much still needs to be done.  It is also encouraging to see so many volunteers associated with churches, service organizations and just individuals giving of their time to help in the relief effort.  

I know the US Congress has issued billions of dollars to put towards helping this region to recover, but what I see and what I hear on the ground, is that money is not being funneled to the blue collar working families that have been so devastated by Hurricane Sandy.  It seems this money is mainly being used for the restoration of the businesses, boardwalk and beaches located along the shoreline.  

Demolition and construction permits are slow to be issued to the homeowners. 

I hear reports that FEMA has temporary housing trailers in storage within an hour drive of this region, however, they are not being delivered because this region has been deemed by FEMA to be a flood zone, therefore the trailers cannot be placed there.  This decision results in the displaced needing to find temporary housing, often costing them as much as $1,500 per month, in addition to their mortgage and taxes for the damaged home, plus the cost of restoration.  The insurance companies have not been the most friendly and are very slow to make their pay outs, if any, to the homeowners.

I hear reports that authorities are now expecting the home owners to remove the trash being generated from the restoration on their own or face fines.

Maybe the stories I hear are not correct, but what I see is a desperate people struggling to return to a normal life and the obstacles they face are almost insurmountable.

I know there are people trying to "game" the system, both contractors and homeowners.  But I also know, there are honest people involved who willingly volunteer their time to sort through the maze and help those who are truly in need.  I personally know families who are extremely grateful for all the volunteers who take the time from their busy schedules to reach out and to help them through this dark chapters of their lives.

Food distribution being made in Union Beach, NJ.  This tractor trailer came from the churches located  Nashville, TN area.


The following photos were taken in Breezy Point, NY.  This is where the fire occurred that destroyed over 80 homes.  FEMA and the homeowners co-op are very slow in their response to demolition and restoration applications that have been submitted.  The frustration level is very high in this community.

In the fore ground are the remaining foundations from the homes that caught fire during Hurricane Sandy.
In the distance is the last burnt out home being demolished.


The following photos show one of the houses to be targeted for restoration.

Charlie from the Rockaway Lions Club is discussing the restoration of the house with the homeowner. This is where she is living.  She is very active in helping those in her community and has put meeting her own needs on the back burner so she can help others.  She says there are other people in worst shape than she is!!

You can tell from the body language of these two that she is resisting the help and he is telling her to deal with it.  In spite of her kicking and screaming, her house is now in the queue for restoration.

Her bath room (no tub or shower) 

Where she sleeps.

She has accepted the fact that she will be receiving help. 

Her house is one of about a dozen the Christiana Lions Club will be working on. All that is needed are volunteers to show up and lend a hand.

If you are interested in joining in this effort, The Christiana Lions Club leaves from the Dutchway parking lot in Christiana, PA almost every Saturday and Sunday at 6:30 am. Please contact Jim Groff at 610.636.2612 for further information and details.

 Dale Groff 3/19/13

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